Changes 15th January 2025 (Please Read!):

Hi! We changed the distro-model back to it's initial state. The "Wholesale for Everyone" idea wasn't working out as i wished and the minimum order just too high for many folks. Now we have regular retail prices again and no minimum order.


All you regular WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS please email me before you order as i need to change your account back to Wholesale.


This webshop-system is very old. I tried to update the payment function but failed. I need to get this done asap. For now, you send me the order and i get back to you via email So make sure my email reaches you and not your spam filters. Thanks!


SYNDROME 81 - Chant De Ruines LP


SYNDROME 81 - Chant De Ruines LP
Zoom image

Kick Rock live series vol.3, this time with the best french punk rock band of the last decade. This is a super recent live, with lots of songs from the last album, awesome soundboard recording quality. As usual it will be a 200 press housed in a fold-over screen printed cover.


A1 . Vivre Et Mourir
A2 . N'Oublie Jamais
A3 . Dans Les Rues La Nuit
A4 . Avenir
A5 . À Coup De Gégène
A6 . Seul Contre Tous
B1 . Une Vie Pour Rien
B2 . Dans Les Rues De Brest
B3 . Contre Vents Et Marées
B4 . Violence Sociale

Cat No.: BEF-33

Label: → Kick Rock

15,01 €

All Prices incl. VAT and plus Shipping costs


This Product was added to our catalogue on Tuesday 21 January, 2025.

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