Changes 15th January 2025 (Please Read!):

Hi! We changed the distro-model back to it's initial state. The "Wholesale for Everyone" idea wasn't working out as i wished and the minimum order just too high for many folks. Now we have regular retail prices again and no minimum order.


All you regular WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS please email me before you order as i need to change your account back to Wholesale.


This webshop-system is very old. I tried to update the payment function but failed. I need to get this done asap. For now, you send me the order and i get back to you via email So make sure my email reaches you and not your spam filters. Thanks!



RAW 079

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Here we go with the long awaited split”12 of Malaysian Raw Punk Ragers APPARATUS and SVART UT from Berlin/Germany. After several releases Apparatus are back with 6 tracks full straight forward HC-Punk the raw way, total D-Beat Mayhem incl. covers of Discard and Anti Cimex. Svart Ut hail from “Hardcore/Dog Shit – City” Berlin of bloody Germoney. Basically it is a sideproject of Earth Crust Displacement, same members, same style but better songs as all songs are covers of swedish classic Raw Punk Mangel incl. Mob 47, Protes Bengt, Discard, Times Square Preachers, Heavy Nukes and Skitlickers. Ultrabrutal noisy recording, it will make your ears bleed, believe me. (Rawmanic Disaster Rec.)

Cat No.: RAW 079

Label: → Rawmantic Disasters

12,00 €

All Prices incl. VAT and plus Shipping costs


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This Product was added to our catalogue on Wednesday 11 September, 2019.

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